GeoPoll has analyzed the top 10 radio stations at the national level in Tanzania for Q2 2017, using the daily data collected through its Media Measurement Service. Both ratings and share for the top stations in Tanzania are examined. The below chart shows the average ratings for the top stations in Tanzania throughout the day.
Clouds has the highest radio ratings throughout the day in Q2. Its highest point lies between 2PM-4PM with an average of 8.43. There is a stiff competition amongst the other radio stations
According to the table below, there is a great difference between Clouds radio station which takes the lead in share with 23% and Radio Free Africa which is the second with a share of 8.2%. TBC Taifa has the third highest share of 7.4%. People listening to other stations outside the top 10, which broadcast across the country at a regional level, account for the remaining 32.6% share.
The highest percentage of other indicates a large number of radio stations in Tanzania which broadcast at a regional level.
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