love of my life.... Dats wat he is.... Our life, our rules.... Sipendi
watu wanavyoingilia my love life kabisa.... I am his nd he is mine...
dats jus it.... Kama ni mshenzi ndo wangu, tahira wangu, hafai ndo
tayari wangu.... Love him jus like dat.... Mapenzi huwa hayaingiliwi
hata siku moja.... Nd dey say wapenzi wakigombana chukua jembe ukalime,
hawakukosea at all... With all due respect stop talking shit bout my
baby.... Cuz at da end of da day he is da one I love nd I aint scared
to.say it.... Nd I aint gon.stop... Call me stupid, crazy or whatever
but dats jus reality.... Take it or leave it.... Im out...
Computer Application Student, Author, Short Stories Writer, Business Proposal Writer, Presenter and Application Builder. Email feisalpinto4@gmail.com for complains and business only.
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